

About the project 'Deep Dig Dug'

DeepDigDug is a project of the artists Pablo Alonso, Motoko Dobashi, Martin Hast, Matthias Männer and Kaori Nakajima. It started with an exhibition in Tokyo 2010, the second exhibition will take place in Munich featuring also the five artists Shigeru Hasegawa, Yoshiaki Kaihatsu, Kouhei Kobayashi,
Ritsuko Ozeki and Ryozo Tsumaki from Japan. Moreover due to the earthquake in Japan, an aid project with more than 120 artists was initiated together with the Japanese artist Fumie Sasabuchi.

DeepDigDug presents PRISMA

Thursday, May 26, 2011 - Saturday, June 18, 2011

Opening: Wednesday, May 25th, 2011

Passage Maximilianstrasse / Altstadtring

prisma exhibition maximiliansforum munich

For the second part of the DeepDigDug Exhibition Project five artists from Japan will join our group. There will be an exhibition at the Maximiliansforum in Munich with different performances and events in public spaces.

The participating artists are Pablo Alonso, Motoko Dobashi, Shigeru Hasegawa, Martin Hast, Yoshiaki Kaihatsu, Kohei Kobayashi, Matthias Männer, Kaori Nakajima, Ritsuko Ozeki and Ryozo Tsumaki.

There will be dancing and mucicial performances during the exhibition as well as a special Japanese party.


May 25th - June 18th, 2011
Opening times
Thursday to Sunday, 14:00 - 19:00
Wednesday, May 25th, 2011,
Beginning: 19:00
Opening, 'Japanese Night' with VJ mo and special guests
Saturday, May 28th, 2011,
Entrance 19:00
Beginning 20:00
dance performance by Satoko Mohri (Berlin) and Chizu Kimura (Berlin) with Live music by Plapla Pinky (Paris/ Brussels) on the occasion of 'Lange Nacht der Musik'
Saturday, June 4th, 2011,
Entrance 19:00
Beginning 20:00
dance performance by AYA (Tokyo) with Live music by Ryo (Tokyo)
Saturday, June 11th, 2011, Entrance 15:00
Beginning 16:00
Butou dance performance by Aya Irizuki (London)
Saturday, June 11th, 2011, Entrance 19:00
Beginning 20:00
Butou dance performance by Aya Irizuki (London)
Saturday, June 18th, 12:00 Natsumatsuri - Japanese street party with delicacies from Japan



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